About Us

Purvanchal bhaskar is a renowned news portal website of Purvanchal (eastern region of Uttar Pradesh state) where all news including Purvanchal is published.
You can see every day’s news on Purvanchal bhaskar. All the important news of the country and world is updated minute by minute by the editor team.
Due to all the love received from the readers, now we have 10 thousand visitors daily and it is increasing continuously due to which the morale of our team remains high.
The experience of more than 20 years of editor-in-chief Santosh Jaiswal of Purvanchal Bhaskar is helping a lot in making the news portal a leading platform.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart to all the readers for giving their heartfelt blessings to Purvanchal Bhaskar.

You can send us any suggestions or information through the following mediums.

Address : PDDU Nagar, Chandauli-Uttarpradesh 232101

Email : chandauli.bhaskar2023@gmail.com

Contact : 80527 27272

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